
Tag: poems

The Best Books About All Fifty States -Part 1

The Best Books About All Fifty States -Part 1

Each country has its classic novel, the book that epitomises the place and creates an atmosphere so vivid you can imagine yourself there, even when you’ve never been before in real life. Not all writer’s have the ability to create a sense of place, to integrate a location in a way that feels authentic and exciting. Books are the ultimate way to travel in your head, and can be the perfect guide when you’re planning your next IRL trip.  The 50 states that make up the union are no different. You may not be able to visit all them before you die, but you can definitely read about them. Over the course of a few articles, we will round up...

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Tread Softly : The Tumultuous Life of W.B. Yeats

Tread Softly : The Tumultuous Life of W.B. Yeats

Nowadays, poetry is mainly read in school, studied in textbooks and analysed in exams. Not many read poetry for pure enjoyment anymore, and therefore a lot of the lustre of these poets has gone out. But not very long ago, poetry was once alive, vibrant and widely read. Poets were celebrities and people would clamour to get ahold of their latest works. One such poet now relegated to the “classics” is W. B. Yeats. His poems are still being quoted in wedding speeches and anniversary cards today. But who was Yeats? Where did he come from, and how did he come to write such moving words?   Read my short bio for the story behind this poet’s life. The Cloths...

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