
Tag: breakfast at tiffanys

The Best Books About All Fifty States -Part 1

The Best Books About All Fifty States -Part 1

Each country has its classic novel, the book that epitomises the place and creates an atmosphere so vivid you can imagine yourself there, even when you’ve never been before in real life. Not all writer’s have the ability to create a sense of place, to integrate a location in a way that feels authentic and exciting. Books are the ultimate way to travel in your head, and can be the perfect guide when you’re planning your next IRL trip.  The 50 states that make up the union are no different. You may not be able to visit all them before you die, but you can definitely read about them. Over the course of a few articles, we will round up...

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5 Movie Adaptations That Are As Good as the Books They’re Based On

5 Movie Adaptations That Are As Good as the Books They’re Based On

Movie adaptations of books can be hit or miss. This is especially painful for book lovers, who wince to see their favourite novels desecrated by a terrible movie version. But adaptations of classic books have been truly spectacular, loved by many who have not ever read the books.   What makes a good adaptation? Some movies stick closely to the original story and soak up the magic of the source material. Others, such as some on our list, only take the basic plot and create something else entirely.   Read on for our top 5 movie adaptations, and comment with your own favourites below!     Pride and Prejudice (2005) Austen die-hards will insist that the only acceptable version is...

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