
Tag: cormac mccarthy

Searching for Salinger: Mysterious Authors Who Avoided The Limelight

Searching for Salinger: Mysterious Authors Who Avoided The Limelight

For some authors, literary fame isn’t too different than being an actor or a pop star - the books make headlines in major newspapers, they promote your work on late night TV and in magazine interviews - they might even have your own TikTok account. It’s all part of being a bestselling author. But some authors have refused to give up their anonymity and peace for book sales, successfully avoiding interviews and talk shows, even refusing to make public appearances altogether. Some of these writers, like J.D. Salinger, have been labeled reclusive, creating an image of an author who has locked themselves away from the world to write, and maybe just leaving the house every so often to check the mailbox. Of course,...

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